Welcome to Daedaland

4 min readMar 2, 2022


Daedaland is a fictional world in which a terrible geological event just happened. This event unearthed long hidden caverns and labyrinths which the residents soon began exploring. The most successful of these adventurers became known as Seekers. They are always on the hunt for adventure and treasures. Each Seeker is a unique NFT on the Fantom Opera blockchain and they come in a variety of RPG-style classes. The Seekers will be playable characters in our upcoming retro action game.

Four of our sixteen playable classes.

This will be a short introductory post about us to get the ball rolling. We will go into more details soon.

The Team

We are Daedalabs team and we are building Daedaland. We firmly believe in being open and transparent with our community and have therefore decided to be publicly doxxed. We are a group of experienced software engineers and artists newly venturing into web3. Find out more about us on the team section of our website. Core members are Zoran Hranj, Danijel Ribic, Jakob Werner, Tomislav Coh and Luka Brajkovic.


Our mission is to create a digital ecosystem where players can enjoy exploring our worlds. We aim to organize these worlds so that a thriving economy can emerge to benefit all of our players. Multiple levels of utility will exist for the NFT holders, some of which are passive revenue and exclusive competitions. See our whitepaper for more. The game is already in concept stage of the development and we will share more as things progress. The game will be released in three phases:

  1. AI/auto-play mode,
  2. Single player adventure,
  3. Player vs player mode.

Please keep in mind that the full game may take some time to develop. Refer to our roadmap for current estimates.

Blockchain of Choice: Fantom Opera

Our game will be based on many different NFT pieces: characters, items, maps and monsters. Interacting with the blockchain must therefore be sufficiently frictionless to make it worthwhile for the player. E.g. say you found a shiny new weapon on your adventure. Would you mint it as an NFT if you knew you could never sell it for more than what the gas cost would have been? We want to encourage our players to mint as many NFT items as they want and sell them for as little or as much as they want as well. This means the transaction costs must be minimal.

Another key point is finality — how long does it take for your transaction to be finalized (irrevocable) on the blockchain? You may not mind to wait several minutes if you were buying a piece of art. If you are playing a game, you want to use the item you purchased as soon as you do it.

Lastly, we need to talk about environmental impact. We wanted to use a blockchain with the smallest carbon footprint.

As you probably already guessed, Fantom Opera satisfies all of these requirements. A friendly developer community is a nice bonus as well.

Source: fantom.foundation

Allow-List and Community Building

In any project, both on and off chain, the community is key to building and growing a successful brand. The initial spark is crucial for bootstrapping the community. Our opinion is that the effort of those who help build and nurture the community should be rewarded. For this reason, we will have an allow-list and a presale event few days prior to the public sale. We aim to make this a fun and group-based process. No discord-grinding required.

We are building a game and we want the NFTs to end up in the hands of actual players. For this reason, the presale limit per address will be low. We will however allow for a larger number of allow-list spots. This is purely due to the fact that during the public sale, when everyone is allowed to buy, even if we limit number of purchases per address, anyone could top up multiple wallets and purchase any quantity of NFTs. It is in all of our our interest to distribute the NFTs to as many unique players as possible at the lowest price possible. We are also investigating a method to prevent bots from participating in the public sale.

For us, it is crucial that the community growth is organic. None of our team members is a public person who could effectively promote the project. We think this is fine. We will not pay any influencers to promote the project either. However, if an influencer/youtuber/streamer likes our project, we welcome them to reach out to us. We can provide several allow-list spots for them to distribute in their communities. We will be fully transparent with our community about all our partnerships.

We mentioned we will keep the NFT allocations per address very low. There is an exception to this, and it involves gaming guilds. We support this concept because it enables people from all economic backgrounds to participate in blockchain technologies.

Are you ready for an adventure?

Follow us in these channels:

Website: https://www.daedaland.com/

Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.daedaland.com/

Discord: https://discord.gg/6QFNvpCnyF

Medium: https://daedaland.medium.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/daedaland

Telegram: https://t.me/daedaland

— Zoran

